Q; Why doesn't my DT look like the picture?

A: Double Tamps are hand made in small batches from up-cycled shell casings.  Casings come from many sources and are in a variety of conditions when acquired.  Production methods are constantly streamlining and improving, but the majority of manufacturing is still free hands and eyeballs. Not all angles and finishes will be perfect, and rest assured, no two are exactly alike. If you are unhappy with your DT, please contact us and we will do our best to make it right.

Q: Are the tools and casings interchangeable?

A: Each DT is individually sized. Due to differences in original manufacture and wear of the brass, each set is hand matched and sized.

Q: Mine is too tight/too loose. What can I do?

A: We aim for a tight fit to begin with. Since Brass is a softer metal, some wear and loosening may occur. Try tapping or rolling the edge of the 9mm on a hard surface if this happens, just a little at a time, until it fits to your liking.

Q: Can I heat the tool with a torch? I hear it's not safe.

A: Yes, within reason. Regarding metal:

#316 Stainless Steel is non toxic and does not oxidize until well over 600°F, for this reason, we recommend only using butane type torches which operate closer to 400°F. Propane type torches burn much hotter, but are still arguably in the safe zone, however, they will degrade the metal at a faster rate, and you really don't want to use those temperatures on your organics.  Also, the heat resistant bond that insulates your tool insert from the brass casing is operable and non toxic up to 600°F for a duration of 10 minutes, however, the ambient heat will eventually make it too hot to hold. Luckily, brass dissipates heat quickly.

Q: Where did the casings come from? Do they have a history?

A: Short answer: anywhere and everywhere, including private parties, ranges, governments, Texas book depositories, some are even dug up in the desert, who knows!

Q: How do I clean my DT?

A: First ask yourself, do you even want to? Depending on where you live, and how you handle your DT, it can become a living object, each forming a unique patina. If you prefer shiny things, then some household brass cleaner will work nicely. For the tool insert, good ol warm soapy water, or a citrus cleaner will do, just try to let it dry before storing.

Q: I broke my tool! What now?

A: Well, you shouldn't have been trying to pry that vending machine open with it, it's a dabber, not a crowbar for chrissakes!  In the unlikely event that tool separates from brass through normal use, contact us.

Q: Is there a warranty on the earbuds?

A: Well, clearly the factory warranty is void, but I will stand behind any problems with assembly, just contact me and we can discuss it. As far as jacks, cables, buttons, and speakers, these are normal wear items, but under normal use should last a very long time. Every pair is tested at several points during assembly, and even intermittent problems should be ferreted out by the time they ship.

If you have any other questions about your pipe tool or bullet dabber, earbuds, or any feedback, just drop us a note  Thanx.